Welding IOT
Data on critical welding parameters are very essential to analyze the welding and welder’s performance. Developing such IoT device for welding machine are not very common due to their portability and high current problems. IoT devices are only provided by OEM on select models which are very expensive. We provide a cost-effective IoT solution for welding IoT integrated with AI for online weldment quality assessment. Our device can be integrated with any welding machine with very simple arrangements.
A small device enabled with WiFi connectivity measures, current and voltage, and give option for job card, worker details, etc. The data of machine utilization, current, voltage and corresponding worker details are stored in cloud for future access.
This product has all the features of basic with additional data of wire federate, gas flow rate are logged.
This has all the features of Prime with AI technology on fault/defect identification technology. The common defects which include penetration depth, blow holes, spatter, bead profile are logged as events for each job card.